For the rare collector, this Power Rangers Red Turbo Ranger Helmet is a must-have. Please note that this item is a replica and not the original. The helmet features the iconic red and silver design and is perfect for any fan of the franchise. The featured person/artist is not included with the helmet.
This item falls under the Toys & Hobbies, Action Figures & Accessories, and Action Figures categories. The type of item is an action figure and the character is Kit.
Overall, this is a great addition to any collection for those who are looking for a unique and rare item. PLEASE LOOK AT ALL PICTURES CAREFULLY FOR ANY DETAILS? ITEM IS IN GREAT CONDITIONS. Cosplay helmet, I couldn't find another one like this, don't have any other information, I did find some similar ones to an artist on insta-gram: wildranger_5. FEEL FREE TO MESSAGE ME ANYTIME IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR WOULD LIKE MORE PICTURES.