Power Rangers In Space is the 6th season of the Power Rangers franchise. Andro's is the Red Space Ranger and the leader of the Space Rangers and the older brother of Astronomy/Karone. He is a human from a space colony KO-35, and possesses telekinesis. Four of the former Turbo Rangers T.
Johnson, Carlos Vallerte, Ashley Hammond and Cassie Chan and Alpha 6 are traveling in a NASADA space shuttle with the intent to save Zordon. They are pulled aboard the Astro Megaship and later encounter Andros.
Though initially suspicious and dismissive of the four former Turbo Rangers, Andros realizes he'll need their help to save Zordon and gives them each an Astro Morpher. Additionally, modifications allow the NASADA space shuttle and the Astro Megaship to combine into the powerful Astro Megazord. The Rangers receive special morphers that allow them to turn into superheroes that face the greater threats and keep the world safe for everyone. Series: Power Rangers In Space.
Package Includes: Jumpsuit, Gloves, Belt.